Our Main Focus

Our Key Program

Social Empowerment Programs

The program focuses on empowering young people, youth and women in communities to be able to identify social challenges relating to education, health, climate change, mental health, Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV) and access to justice; generate evidence and develop actions that ensure that the social problem affecting young people, youth and women are solve

Skills & Economic Development

The program identifies skill based needs among young people, youth and women especially victims of abuse. The program ensures that young people, youth and women acquire economic skills and digital skills that would build their economic capacities so as to realize their economic rights and contribute to elevated social and economic standard

Reserch & Advocancy Program

This program seeks to generate evidence to inform major programmatic interventions. The program conducts research to inform evidence based programing and activity implementation. The program also ensures that advocacy campaigns are held to address various young people, youth and women issues limiting their full realization of their rights and entitlements.

GHF non-profit charity

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Inspire & Help them Live Longer

We strive to create an environment where vulnerable and marginalized people can realize their social and economic rights with a special focus on young people, youth and women for restoration of hope, and dignity so as to contribute to national growth and development through our three core program.

Let’s Make a Difference in
the Lives of Others

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